Building a Community of Practice for people in charge of HTA dissemination
Background: EUnetHTA, the European network for Health Technology Assessment has for about a decade comprehensively dealt with various HTA production aspects. However, dissemination of the final HTA report was yet to be addressed. In order to identify best practices in this field, a Community of Practice (CoP) was initiated with the aim of bringing together people in charge of HTA dissemination amongst EUnetHTA members.
Objectives: To describe the building process and first results of the EUnetHTA Community of Practice on dissemination.
Results: 44 people from 25 agencies in 18 countries joined the CoP. Of these, 25
participated in the webinar and confirmed the utility of the CoP. The
workshop brought together 17 people and resulted in identification of
crucial steps in the HTA dissemination process, knowledge exchange about
dissemination actions, and main topics of interest to the CoP. A series
of Webinars provided by the CoP members themselves has been set up, two
webinars has already been conducted, and a third is planned later this
Conclusion: The CoP provides a suited format for formally exchanging information
about dissemination of HTA reports and establishing best practices
together with peers. Best practices identified through the workshop and
the webinars will be compiled in a best practice document. Further
activities will be planned in the future, including the consideration of
stakeholder involvement.